Nun-martyr Barbara

Commemorated on July 18

Saint Barbara died with Saint Elizabeth on July 5, 1918, the day after the murder of Tsar Nicholas and his family. The two nuns were thrown into a mineshaft, and grenades were tossed in after them. Saint Elizabeth remained alive for several hours, and could be heard singing hymns.

The bodies of Saint Barbara and Saint Elizabeth were taken to Jerusalem in 1920, and buried in the church of Saint Mary Magdalene.

Troparion — Tone 4

Emulating the Lord’s self-abasement on the earth, / you gave up royal mansions to serve the poor and disdained, / overflowing with compassion for the suffering. / And taking up a martyr’s cross, / in your meekness / you perfected the Saviour’s image within yourself, / therefore, with Barbara, entreat / Him to save us all, O wise Elizabeth.

Kontakion — Tone 3

In the midst of worldliness, / thy mournful heart dwelt in Heaven; / in barbaric godlessness, / Your valiant soul was not troubled; / you longed to meet your Bridegroom / as a confessor, / and He found you worthy of your martyric purpose. / O Elizabeth, with Barbara, / your brave companion, / pray to your Bridegroom for us.

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