Education in the Faith

Sunday School – Classes for younger children through High School meet before and after Liturgy on Sundays depending on children’s ages. Sunday School runs only during the school year, with breaks during the Christmas season and Passiontide. See our Sunday School Superintendent Lisa Shortes for more information.

Adult Education – We hold classes, generally monthly, on various topics of the faith to help grow in the knowledge of our traditions, beliefs, and practices. Classes have covered subjects such as how to observe the season of Advent, what to do in situations of severe sickness and death, the Old Testament in the life of the Christian, and “What is the Bible.” Keep an eye on our monthly calendar for the next class’s date and time, or see Fr. Joseph with any questions or topic suggestions.

Exploring the Orthodox Faith – Those seeking to possibly join the Orthodox Faith should contact Fr. Joseph and plan to attend these classes which meet in two series of about eight classes, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Inquirers and Catechumens must attend both a Spring and Fall session, preferably beginning with the Fall. The first stage of entrance into Holy Orthodoxy is called the Inquirer stage. After some study, participation in the life of the community, and incorporation of Orthodox faith into one’s daily life, prayers are said over the Inquirer to make them a Catechumen. A Catechumen is intentionally and committedly intending to enter into the Orthodox Faith. After a period of catechumenate, the individual is brought into the faith through Baptism or Chrismation. The process of conversion usually takes about a year.

Brotherhood of the Sebastian Martyrs – Once a month men of our parish are invited to attend a discussion group on various topics which takes place in the parish hall following Daily Vespers. Usually this is the third Wednesday of each month, but adjustments are made for services. We also meet for a no-host brunch once a month, often the third Saturday morning, at Rock Hill Diner for fellowship. As patron our men’s group has selected the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, Roman Soldiers who were condemned as a group to death for their Christian faith in 320 AD. Sentenced to freeze to death on the pond, warm sheds with fires were set up around the perimeter should they recant and sacrifice to pagan gods. One relented, while the others linked arms in the freezing water, perishing throughout the night. One Roman soldier, set to guard the shoreline and keep the martyrs from escaping, so moved by the faith of these men, declared faith in Christ, entered the water, and joined arms with his new brothers. All 40 reposed to join their King in glory. Their feast is March 9th. We too seek to support one another in faith, and are always willing to welcome a new brother with us.

St. Anthony’s Women’s Group – The women of St. Anthony’s meet once a month on the 2nd Sunday of each month, after Coffee Hour. They discuss a variety of topics from saints, charity work, and excursions together in our community to other churches, the Ss. Mary and Martha Monastery, or to sites they just find interesting. Join them!

Classical Book Club – Every week after coffee hour a group of parishioners meets to discuss a classical work, from writings of the Fathers, to ancient Greek Literature and how Christians should approach literature. You’re welcome to join in the conversation, even if you’ve not read. See Jack K. for more details, or Fr. Joseph if you don’t know Jack.